Sunday, February 7, 2010

I would really appreciate it...

OK, I'm surprising myself here - two posts in two days - but this one is worth my time.

In my creative writing course, I assigned a scaffolding task.  Students were to take a poem and use each line as an inspiration for a similar line of their own.  This is a good way to get someone to write a first poem or to inspire a more advanced writer to try something a little different.  The responses I received were quite good, and some students really enjoyed the assignment, but then there was the student I will call Dennis. 

On the bottom of Dennis's response was the following "This was a stupid assignment.  I picked the shortest poem just to get it over with.  I do not nor have I ever liked poetry.  I would appreciate it if you would refrain from giving us poetry assignments in this course." 

Of course, I immediately replied to Dennis that the name of the course was CREATIVE WRITING and that the course did include poetry writing as well as short story writing.  I pointed out that we did offer a course in creative non-fiction if that was more to his liking and that he could drop my course if he didn't like the contents. 

What I really wanted to say was:

Dear Dennis,
     Thank you for giving me a direction in which to take this course.  I do so want to accommodate you as an individual, and I'm sure you know that every course here at _________ College offers the student the chance to design it as s/he sees fit.  It is certainly a waste of time to attempt to present you with material in which you are not interested, and no students should have to do stupid assignments.  Obviously, you have some better suggestions for assignments, and I can't wait to hear them. 
     I also want to thank you for reminding me that my graduate work and the student loans I incurred were all for nothing, since you, as a student, can see right through me as a teacher and have me pegged as just another stupid idiot trying to rob you of your precrious video game playing time.  Please forgive me. 
     As a thank you, I'm awarding you the big fat A you probably want.  No need to come to class; I can see that you are far too intelligent for that.  Good luck.  You are the student we all dream about.

OK, it's out of my systerm.  I think I'll  add some more poetry assignments and see what "Dennis" puts down on his evaluation.  (see previous post). 

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